Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Damn You Monogamy!

A long relationship is a funny thing. Especially when it really is what you really want. After many years together and many trials and tribulations we've survived and even flourished together. But every commitment has its cost.

How can one not get a little fazed after so many years? How can familiarity not overwhelm you once in a while?

I find myself looking for ways to pull back from my partner and our life together. I'm looking for ways to see the world a little differently, ways to get some different stimulus. I don't want to end our partnership. I love us together. I think we're a perfect match. But sometimes I get a little stunned. It's hard not to fall into patterns and routines and it's even harder to keep infusing it with fresh ideas.

Everything is cyclical and God knows I've gone up and down and always come back around to what I know is really valuable. I know this is still what I want. But I also know that I need a bit of space right now.


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